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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Check us out!

Cameron takes a big jump into the sandpit.

Matt gets a good run up for his long jump.

The boys sprint quickly down the track towards the finish line.

Briana gets ready to throw the softball.

Athletics Day

Congratulations Room 9. You all tried your very best at the school Athletics Day. Everyone looked like they were having a great time.
An extra big congratulations to these children who received 1st, 2nd or 3rd.

Matt Harris
Alex Egan

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Term 4

It is hard to believe that it is already Term 4! The year is flying by. This term our topic is Disasters. We have two exciting trips planned. One to Takapuna and North Head where we will identify natural land features and the other is to Rangitoto. You can view our disaster work on our new Disaster link.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Our visit to the building site

On Friday we visited the new music room. There is now a new roof on the building. The builders are still busy trying to get the building finished. We cant wait to see the music room once it has been completed.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We are learning to use a variety of painting techniques

We have learnt how to use a variety of painting techniques such as drag and dry brushing. These techniques were used to create these gorgeous Nikau Palms.....

Dinosaur Dioramas

Check out our dinosaur dioramas on our Dinosaur link....

We are learning to write poems

The children in Room 9 have been writing a variety of poems.  They have used extended abstract thinking as they have reflected on times that made them feel happy or bored.

Happiness is.....
Happiness is going to the beach on a blistering hot summers day.
Happiness is sitting inside doing nothing and then it starts hailing so you run outside and collect hail in containers.
Happiness is staying up until midnight and eating junk food.

By Briana.

Boredom is.....
Boredom is a dull, grey world with nothing fun to do.
Boredom is having no fantastic toy store to drag your mum into.
Boredom is being blistering hot on a day that you have been naughty and your brother gets an ice cream and tortures you with it.

By Eloise


Room 9 and 10 were fantastic performers at the Art Festival last week. They played Martian Boogie on their recorders. They had to practice really hard and it paid off. Well done!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Spinach- yum!

Today we picked the spinach out of our Edible Garden. It had grown very tall. 
Briana, Alex and Matt helped Mrs Jewell cook it and then we tasted the delicious spinach. Some of us liked it more than others!

Our visit to the building site

Today we went to visit the schools new music room which is been built behind the hall. Mr Northam showed us inside the building. We had to walk across a plank to get into the building, which was fun. We had to be really careful while we were walking. 
We had brainstormed lots of questions about the building and Mr Northam answered them for us.

Eva said, "It liked the building. I think the windows will look really good".
Niamh said, "It was great to get information from the builder".
Harrison said, "I learn that there is different kinds of wood".
Ashley said, "The building is big which is good because we will have space to practice our recorders".
Amy said, "It will look nice and shiny when it is finished, just like our hall".

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Internet

We are learning about the Internet this term. We have brainstormed everything that we already know about the Internet, like how it works, what it is, why we have it, and when we use it....

Here are our ideas:
-It can't be broken
-You can open safari
-You can surf the Internet
-You can google things
-You can look up words
-You can play games
-You can watch Youtube
-You can search things
-You can phone people on Skype
-You have to connect to a telephone wire
-It is a search engine
-You can listen to music
-You can download things
-It is hard to break

We will be using the Internet to research information about our topic 'dinosaurs'.

Welcome to Term 3!

I hope you all had a great break and are ready for an exciting term ahead.
This term our topic is dinosaurs and heating. If you have any books, or other resources at home that you would like to share with Room 9 we would really appreciate it.
This term the children will also be preparing and delivering a talk, reading and presenting plays,  writing postcards, poems and letters. Gymnastics and folk dancing will be covered during PE and we also have the Arts Festival coming up! So we have a busy and fun term ahead of us!
Our value this term is kindness. This is being discussed, modelled and celebrated in class. Hopefully your child will also show plenty of acts of kindness at home too!

Mrs Ryder

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Term 3's Topic

Next term we will be learning all about dinosaurs. I have added a fantastic dinosaur website to our useful websites link (just click on the useful websites link). The children can learn about different dinosaurs, play games, make dinosaurs...... the list goes on. This is a great way for them to create some interest before heading back to school.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Check out our garden

Make sure you visit our 'Edible Garden' link to see all the fantastic work we have completed this term and to see how much our garden has grown!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What have we learnt from Dave's visit?

Today the Middle School were lucky enough to have a special visitor...... 
Dave who works at Hauraki New World made a special trip to our school to talk to us about fruit and vegetables. 
What did we learn from Dave's visit?

*There are 35 different types of fruit and vegetables.
*Vegetable don't grow in only 1 country.
*The most popular vegetable colour is green.
*All of the fruit and vegetables in the department are raw.
*Onions have the longest shelf life.
*Strawberries have the shortest shelf life.
*Potatoes must be stored in the dark or they will go green and poisonous.
*4 people work at New World fruit and vegetable department.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Disco

I bet you don't recognise these Room 9 children! Mrs Ryder certainly didn't......
We had a great time at the "Out This World Disco".

Helena said, "I nearly won a prize for dancing with my Dad. It was fun!".
Eloise said, "I really enjoyed getting dressed up and dancing with my friends".
Amy said, "I really liked it when everyone was dancing because there were bubbles and flames".

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our PVA Flower Prints

In Art we have sketched the outline of a flower and then carefully poured PVA glue around the outline to create these fantastic PVA Flower Prints. We printed our flower prints again and again with different colours. It was alot of fun and we are very proud of how great they look!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Story Liners Show

On Friday we had the "Story Liners Show" visit our school. They were very entertaining and a lot of fun to watch!

Briana - I like it how they used the racing cars in the show.
Alex C - I liked the racing cars and that Claire's grey racing car won the race.
Helena - Mr Professor Widget was funny.
Amy - My favourite part was when they showed us the books.
Rebecca - I liked it when the were dancing. They were good dancers and singers.
Chloe - My favourite part was when the boy came and whacked the girl and the girl said "Hey" and he started laughing.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On Tuesday we had an opportunity to look at The Art Festival which was held at Hauraki School. 
We were so impressed with the art work on show. The work was from artists who attend Hauraki, Takapuna, Belmont, Bays water, Vauxhall, Devonport, St Leo's Primary Schools and Belmont Intermediate School.  
We can't wait to try out some of these fantastic art ideas in our own classroom this term. Congratulations to Estelle, Lav and Ashley who had their "Self Portraits" on display at the Art Festival.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Welcome to Term 2 in Room 9. 

I hope you all had a lovely break and are ready for an exciting term ahead.
Term 1 certainly finished on a good note with all the children completing fantastic display boards about their heritage. They put a lot of effort into this inquiry, researching their key question and thinking carefully about the presentation of their display board. The Room 9 children were very proud to show off their display boards to their families on the last day of the term.

This term we are learning all about communities with a focus on edible gardens. We will be growing our own edible garden focusing on working together as a community. We have school trips planned and plenty more! This term will certainly be one full of fun learning......