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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What have we learnt from Dave's visit?

Today the Middle School were lucky enough to have a special visitor...... 
Dave who works at Hauraki New World made a special trip to our school to talk to us about fruit and vegetables. 
What did we learn from Dave's visit?

*There are 35 different types of fruit and vegetables.
*Vegetable don't grow in only 1 country.
*The most popular vegetable colour is green.
*All of the fruit and vegetables in the department are raw.
*Onions have the longest shelf life.
*Strawberries have the shortest shelf life.
*Potatoes must be stored in the dark or they will go green and poisonous.
*4 people work at New World fruit and vegetable department.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Disco

I bet you don't recognise these Room 9 children! Mrs Ryder certainly didn't......
We had a great time at the "Out This World Disco".

Helena said, "I nearly won a prize for dancing with my Dad. It was fun!".
Eloise said, "I really enjoyed getting dressed up and dancing with my friends".
Amy said, "I really liked it when everyone was dancing because there were bubbles and flames".

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Our PVA Flower Prints

In Art we have sketched the outline of a flower and then carefully poured PVA glue around the outline to create these fantastic PVA Flower Prints. We printed our flower prints again and again with different colours. It was alot of fun and we are very proud of how great they look!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Story Liners Show

On Friday we had the "Story Liners Show" visit our school. They were very entertaining and a lot of fun to watch!

Briana - I like it how they used the racing cars in the show.
Alex C - I liked the racing cars and that Claire's grey racing car won the race.
Helena - Mr Professor Widget was funny.
Amy - My favourite part was when they showed us the books.
Rebecca - I liked it when the were dancing. They were good dancers and singers.
Chloe - My favourite part was when the boy came and whacked the girl and the girl said "Hey" and he started laughing.