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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Our visit to the building site

On Friday we visited the new music room. There is now a new roof on the building. The builders are still busy trying to get the building finished. We cant wait to see the music room once it has been completed.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We are learning to use a variety of painting techniques

We have learnt how to use a variety of painting techniques such as drag and dry brushing. These techniques were used to create these gorgeous Nikau Palms.....

Dinosaur Dioramas

Check out our dinosaur dioramas on our Dinosaur link....

We are learning to write poems

The children in Room 9 have been writing a variety of poems.  They have used extended abstract thinking as they have reflected on times that made them feel happy or bored.

Happiness is.....
Happiness is going to the beach on a blistering hot summers day.
Happiness is sitting inside doing nothing and then it starts hailing so you run outside and collect hail in containers.
Happiness is staying up until midnight and eating junk food.

By Briana.

Boredom is.....
Boredom is a dull, grey world with nothing fun to do.
Boredom is having no fantastic toy store to drag your mum into.
Boredom is being blistering hot on a day that you have been naughty and your brother gets an ice cream and tortures you with it.

By Eloise


Room 9 and 10 were fantastic performers at the Art Festival last week. They played Martian Boogie on their recorders. They had to practice really hard and it paid off. Well done!